Provence Park Splash Pad is a relatively new splash pad. It has several interesting structures including an unusual yellow doorway arch.
There is a gazebo for shade and a few playstructures and climbing structures in the park.
Find the Best Splash Pads in Ottawa
Provence Park Splash Pad is a relatively new splash pad. It has several interesting structures including an unusual yellow doorway arch.
There is a gazebo for shade and a few playstructures and climbing structures in the park.
Heatherington Park Splash Pad is a fairly new pad in an older park. The splash pad features a trio of dumping buckets, an arch, and a few sprays of water.
The park has a lot of shade, a gazebo for picnics, and some structures to play on.
Read our 2013 review here.
Kilbirnie Park Splash Pad is a newer splash pad in Barrhaven. It’s main attractions are three dumping buckets, a yellow arch that mists, and five streams that spray at intervals.
There is a gazebo for shade and a playstructure at the park.
Read our 2012 review here.
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