Roy Duncan Park Splash Pad is a simple splash pad with four ground jets.
The draw of this splash pad is the park itself. It’s a lovely shaded park with a gazebo and a few newer structures for the kids.
Read our 2012 review here.
Find the Best Splash Pads in Ottawa
Roy Duncan Park Splash Pad is a simple splash pad with four ground jets.
The draw of this splash pad is the park itself. It’s a lovely shaded park with a gazebo and a few newer structures for the kids.
Read our 2012 review here.
Cardinal Creek Valley Splash Pad is a new pad in Orleans with some interesting structures. The park is new enough that there is little shade at the park other than the gazebo structure. There are many interesting and creative playstructures to explore at this park.
Read our 2012 splashpad review here.
Arnott is a simple splash pad with one blue metal post that sprays water when the button is pressed. The splash pad is older and is landscaped with rocks; an unusual and attractive looking feature. The post itself is mounted on a rock.
There is plenty of shade and a playstructure at this quiet park.
Read our 2012 review here.
UPDATE (June 10, 2019): This splash pad seems to be broken – the water wasn’t working.
Portobello Park Splash Pad is a newer splash pad with a few interesting structure. The water comes out of the different areas at different times.
The park has younger trees so there isn’t much shade other than a gazebo structure. There are several play structures to play on, including a smaller toddler structure and swing.
Read our 2012 review here.
Kaladar Park Splash Pad is an older park. There are three wooden posts that spray into the centre when the button is pushed.
There is plenty of shade and a playstructure at the park.
Read our 2012 review here.
Stanstead Park Splash Pad is a simple pad in a large, well shaded park. The main attraction is an unusual water gun post that has three sprays that can be directed in any direction using your hands.
There is also a playstructure at this park and plenty of room to run.
View our 2012 review here.